Journey to Kinks & Curls

As a little girl, I was influenced by Euro-Centric standards of beauty. I only saw straight- long hair in the media and I yearned for my hair to be that way. I was never taught to love my natural hair; heck I wasn’t even inspired as a small girl to embrace my natural self. March 2013 is the day I said yes to natural hair. I was excited to accept my natural hair, I was captivated by the mindset that straight hair was beautiful but then I realize my natural is beautiful. My kinks and coil joined the movement towards natural hair.

Transitioning from chemically treated hair to natural hair was a big step for me. It took sometime to get use the different hair textures mixed with my straight ends. The main thing I remember when transitioning was the excitement to see what my hair looked like completely natural. I was obsessed with YouTube. I still say till this day that YouTube is like the bible for the natural hair community. There is so much information that has helped make my transitioning process so much easier. I advice anyone woman who is considering going natural to take the first step and find a natural you-tuber. One of my favorite natural you-tuber during my transitional stages was Naptural 85! Her channel was full of many helpful tips and methods to care for natural hair. Plus she was close to my hair texture. It is common to do protective styles while transitioning. Protective styles promotes hair growth and protects hair from damage. In my opinion the easiest protective style is either twist or braids. Other than that playing around with different natural hairstyles will only help once you completely go natural.

Teeny Weeny Afro (T.W.A)
This cute little phrase is a representation of "THE BIG CHOP". This was my final transitional stage. Although some woman choose to grow their hair out to a longer length before cutting it, I chose to just cut my hair short and start fresh. I remember the moment being a moment full of excitement, fear and a sense of pride. Ladies rock your Teeny Weeny Afro don't be ashamed of the little kinks and curls. little curls need love too! Enjoy your T.W.A while it last, get to know your hair and try new products that works best with your hair.

L.O.C Method (Liquid, Oil, Cream)
Now this method is a moisturizing technique and it is not inclusive only to natural hair. The liquid is just a form of hydration the oil penetrates the hair follicles and the cream locks in the moisture. It is a great method to use after cleansing your hair and during the week to replenish your hairs moisture. Remember your hair needs TLC (Tender Loving Care)

Have fun!
A major part of the transitional process is to enjoy your hair, learn about your hair and build a relationship with your hair. Discover what hairstyles work for you and figure which don't. Plus don't forget why you went natural and motivate others to give natural hair a try. Continue the wave of big, bouncy, beautiful kinks and curls.

Cheryl. "How to Transition from Relaxed to Natural Hair In 7 Steps." Pinterest. N.p., 17 June 2015. Web. 26 Apr. 2017.
LilAnglsweet, and KLP @. SavingOurStrands. "May 2014." SavingOurStrands | Celebrating Our Natural Kinks Curls & Coils. N.p., 31 May 2014. Web. 26 Apr. 2017.
"Natural Hair Transitioning." Pinterest. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2017.
Oliver, Marrissa. "10 Transitioning Hair Commandments | Longing 4 Length." Pinterest. N.p., 13 Nov. 2015. Web. 26 Apr. 2017.
Says, Ce'Jade, Hellen Says, Elizabeth Says, Lateia Says, Ariane (Editor-in-Chief) Says, Ruth Says, Owami Says, and Chanzii Says. "How to Transition to Natural Hair Without a Big Chop." Black Naps. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2017.
Naptural 85
Mini Marley