Your Past Doesn’t Define Who You Are Today....

Lately I’ve been asked what the purpose of ANOVA is. Behind the confidence and self affirmation that ANOVA shares there’s was once a doubtful discouraged girl who felt that she would always be defined by her past.
One day a deep internal revelation occurred revealing that she is more than her past and that there’s so much more beyond what happened to her and so much in store for her that can happen.
Reflection and revelation is a big part of ANOVA's purpose. ANOVA encourages others to stop and take a look within themselves and develop peace with who they are. Peace.Love & Expression is the heart of the matter to ANOVA. Peace within yourself, Loving who you are and Expressing that in the utmost highest way.
Remember mistakes are made and that is okay because that’s how life teaches it’s lessons. Realize that you are more than the judgements made against you and that you’re precious how you are. Know that it’s okay to build onto who you are not forgetting where you are coming from. Self-Growth is an important step to finding that peace you may be looking for. Keep going and keep being you!