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I'm a Survivor

It's over, I survived freshman year of college. Graduating from high school was an awesome experience but getting through my first year of college with many accomplishments was even more awesome.

First Year Experience

Completing a full year of college has taught me plenty and gave me the opportunity to self reflect throughout the year. There were many memorable moments, new found friendships, development of professional relationships and on top of that the creation of an impeccable reputation as a student leader on campus. The highlights of freshman year consists of playing around until 4 am and watching the sunrise until 8 o' clock in the morning. Weekends were filled of "SQUAD" outings in the city, restaurants and the movies. A major highlight was my freshman year was spring break, just being able to go on my first spring break trip. Other than the hangouts and adventures, my "SQUAD" was the number one highlight of my freshman year. Without them I don't think I would've had a social life on campus. Beyond all the fun I had, my academic accomplishments as a freshman actually surprised me. I really didn't expect to achieve such high grades coming into college. I didn't even expect to become a student leader on campus on top of that. Starting a choir on campus is another memorable moment. The members became like a second family. I treat the choir as if it's a baby developing slowly but surely.

What I Thought

I was convinced before I started school that the work and curriculum was going to beat me up. From all the stories I heard about professors and just college in general I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to manage the work. However, surprisingly it wasn't as hard as I presumed it to be. I had amazing professors and Pace University has very helpful resources such as the tutoring center that helped me attain the grades I received.

Don't Be Fooled

If you're in high school about to graduate don't be fooled by the stories told about college. Your first year experience is really based on how you make it for yourself. If you don't go out and meet new people as well as get involved then it's possible that you might not have the best first year. College is about getting involve, taking chances and making a name for yourself. Although college is not all fun and games, your hard work academically will pay off in the end.


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