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What To Binge Watch Next?🤔

Feeling lost after your favorite show is done? Wondering what to binge watch next? Having difficulties finding a new show?

These 5 shows will get you hooked!


A recent show that I binged. I gave this show a second chance after seeing its first episode two years ago. It only took two years for me to realize how great of a show Reign was. You will fall head over heels over Francis’ and Mary’s love story. The love story they shared gave me life! It wasn’t the typical love story and that’s what made it so unique. Besides their love story there was never a dull moment in this show. I was surprised how unpredictable this show was and I loved it. Definitely give this show a try. It’s worth the shot 👌🏾👌🏾.

Vampire Diaries 🧛🏻‍♂️🧛🏻‍♀️

Now this mind blowing, love triangle, action filled show is amazing. There are plenty of seasons to keep you occupied and each season leaves you hanging off a cliff. If you are into mystical creatures like me, Vampire Diaries will give you a binge high! Totally one of my all time favorite shows that I would watch again.

Jane the Virgin 🤱🏻

I haven’t given this show a try yet but based off of the feedback I’ve received about this show I can tell it won’t disappoint!

   She's gotta have it 💁🏾

Spike lee did his thang y’all!

She’s gotta have it is a great inspirational show that has a strong African American female as the lead. This show is very realistic and relatable. Talk about a woman having it all, Nola made sure she had it all!

Stranger things 🧐

This show has been a recent binge for me. After I finished Reign I was lost lol 😂. . . I searched all through Netflix and Stranger Things caught my attention. Did I mention I like mystical creatures and fantasies 😏. I 

watched this show within two weeks and I cannot wait for the next season!

Tell ANOVA some of your favorite shows to binge via: Instagram and Twitter @a.n.o.v.a_io 

Don’t forget #anovamoments

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