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Health Journey On Restart

Now that the semester is over and the stress is not as intense it’s time to focus on building your summer body in spring lol 😊.

Y’all know it’s been hard out here lately! The aftermath of finals is carb overload and a layer of chubbiness that magically appeared.

Well guess what, it’s time to rewind or restart your health journey. Sometimes weight doesn’t matter what matter is how you feel in your body. If you are happy with your weight but want your body to be tighter focus on toning this spring.

If you want to shed some pounds, reevaluate what you eat and include a balance between eating healthy and exercising.

I personally do not believe in dieting improving the way you eat and gradually increasing physical activity has proven to help me more than starving myself.

Remember your body needs to food to functions and starving yourself does more damage than eating smaller portions of food as well as choosing what you feed your body.

My Goal this summer is to tone and potentially lose 15 lbs, my health journey is on restart.

Where are you in your journey to a healthier you?

For More ANOVA follow on Instagram @a.n.o.v.a_io and subscribe to ANOVA Inside Out's Youtube channel.


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