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Old School Meets New School: Nappily Natural

Recently I’ve been hearing a lot of negative remarks regarding my natural hair from middle-aged black women. Why might I ask? We live in a different time now in which natural hair is accepted. However, it seems as though while younger generations embrace their natural hair, older generations are still trapped within the image that was defined as beautiful in the past. It is truly time that the young ones teach the adults a little something about how to accept who they are, how they are. No matter what the older generation was conditioned to think when they were raised; natural hair is a beautiful essence on a black women's head. Natural hair is a crown given to beautiful women of all shades as a fierce representation of the impact and empowerment spewed simply with their presence. Encouragement is key to continue the growth and acceptance of natural hair. No matter what age and what you were taught, natural hair is for everyone. A mane you were born with is the mane you were meant to wear!

There is nothing to be ashamed about.

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