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Adulting 101:Hidden Secrets To Growing Up

Who knew growing would be such a pain in the touche . Getting old means gaining the freedom to do whatever you want; but what most don't realize is that freedom tags along with a friend named responsibility. Whether in college or working as a young adult a sense of independence is gained. The most important years of your life "Prime Years" has begun. From 18- 30 years old is when life aims at you targeting you with all kinds of trials and tribulations.

Here are few things I wish I knew before turning 18 and what I wish I was taught before getting older. But then again a lot of life lessons are learned through experience. I hope other young adults can relate!

WHAT I WISH I KNEW: Common Things Young Adults Say

  • How to get car insurance...

  • What getting a credit card means and all the hidden messages that aren't said when applying for one...

  • What's a Credit Score and how it can possibly ruin your life...

  • Being 18 doesn't really mean your an Adult...

  • Life is harder than expected...

  • Learned how to use a machine in a laundryomat..

  • How to rent an apartment...

  • How to financially plan for the future...

These are a few examples of what some young adults think or say. We are all figuring out how to navigate this abstract thing called life. Find local resources that can help or reach out for help from your elders. You never know how much they know until you ask.

"Ask and you shall receive"

Catch you guys next time, I hope this blog post encourages young adults to start thinking about how to obtain the answer to these question. Feel free to leave a comment or chat with me and start a convo about some of the unsaid things about becoming an adult. I appreciate all the support and would love 100 subscribers on Youtube and Blog by the end of Summer 2018... & I need yourrr help to reach my goal!

Peace. Love. & Expression- ANOVA

For more ANOVA follow on Instagram @a.n.o.v.a_io and Subby to my YouTube @ANOVA INSIDE OUT


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