Grow Your Blog Community
With Wix Blog, you’re not only sharing your voice with the world, you can also grow an active online community. That’s why the Wix blog...
Wiggy Wonder: Reformation of The Wig
For More ANOVA follow @a.n.o.v.a_io and Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and Blog @ ANOVA INSIDE OUT You bought it so it's your hair.......

Power to the People.... Power to ALL People! Black Rose is an inspiring clothing brand founded by Wilnick Louis, emphasizing the beauty...
Adulting 101:Hidden Secrets To Growing Up
Who knew growing would be such a pain in the touche . Getting old means gaining the freedom to do whatever you want; but what most don't...
Insider: What Strikes Motivation?
Whether intrinsic or extrinsic rewards what is the catalyst for motivation? Motivation according to Websters dictionary "is the act of...
Old School Meets New School: Nappily Natural
Recently I’ve been hearing a lot of negative remarks regarding my natural hair from middle-aged black women. Why might I ask? We live in...
You Are Beautiful!
You are a light that shines bright! You are a magnificent essence that deserves to be treated right You are enough and although it might...
Health Journey On Restart
Now that the semester is over and the stress is not as intense it’s time to focus on building your summer body in spring lol 😊. Y’all...
We're Half Way There🎼
Welp the semester is winding down and that warm summer breeze is in the air. Sophomore year has ended and I’m going into my junior year!...
Just Keep Swimming!
IT'S CRUNCH TIME GUYS! The end of the semester is sooo close yet soo far. Finals, papers, and research projects are probably swirling...